Saturday 19 October 2013

Day in day out

Post surgery:

Since my gallbladder was removed, my digestion has progressively declined over time. Only the last 2 years have I been able to find some real solutions and comfort in life. If you to are struggling, have a read below to see what has worked for me :)

** Every meal take a Digestive enzyme to support digestion -**

  • Eat healthy and as clean as possible, with small portions
  • Start your morning with warm water and lemon juice to kick start the liver
  • Chia seed for fibre and keeping you fuller longer
  • Take a Probiotic daily
  • Juice vegies and fruit when possible
  • 45 minutes walk once a week and increase to 3 times a week when possible 
  • Drink plenty of filtered water daily 
  • Cut out sugars and bread unless wholegrain and minimise to eating carbs in the morning and no carbs after 2pm
  • Yoga, breathing and stretching

Please note this is my own personal experience, and is advice only*

Monday 7 October 2013

Battle Scars 15/10/2007

15/10/2007 - The day my digestion changed forever . . . 

Mum had just finished dropping me off, when I had a sudden onset of sharp pain in my stomach.. I phoned her to come back and take me to hospital. Within 5-10 minutes I was being rushed to hospital in and out of consciousness because the pain was so severe...
When we arrived I have no recollection of what was happening..

The next thing I remember was waking and having a sore throat...

As you can see below these are some of my battle scars which cover my stomach...

I am currently learning to love my scars...and use this past experience in life to discover a stronger, happier, healthier, loving person!

Any sufferers out there, please do not feel alone, I hope to inspire, support and assist you, please follow me and let's share this journey together xx